Breath Work — It Doesn't Have to be

Breath Work — It Doesn't Have to be "Work"


When I first started my inner work to heal myself, (which included dropping out of college at 18 to pursue a yoga teacher training), breath work felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Not to mention I was smoking cigarettes at the time, so to focus deeply on the physical reminder of how I was hurting myself was painful. For me, there was also fear, an anxiety, associated with letting go of my control and surrendering to the breath. When practicing breath work it is important to seek guidance and to honor one's own boundaries and comfort level.

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Tao Te Ching, The Book Of The Way by Lao Tzu

Tao Te Ching, The Book Of The Way by Lao Tzu


The Tao Te Ching, one of the most influential texts of Taoism, is a collection of short verses that encompass many of the core beliefs of this philosophy. These verses touch upon a range of topics, including action, the duality of nature, knowledge, and virtue, to name a few. However, at the heart of the Tao Te Ching, and indeed, of Taoism as a whole, lies the concept of the "Tao." Translated as the "Way," the Tao is an abstract notion that refers to the natural order and progression of the universe.

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Quick morning ritual.

Quick morning ritual.


During my private session with a colleague today, we delved into the fascinating topic of the energy exchange that takes place between the elements and the tips of our fingers. In particular, we explored the different ways in which this exchange occurs and the potential implications for our overall health and well-being. We also discussed various techniques and exercises that can be used to enhance this exchange and optimize our physical and mental states. There is a complex interplay between our bodies and the natural world around us.

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The elated feeling of elastic and elaborate human connection.

The elated feeling of elastic and elaborate human connection.


Her response brought a smile to my face, as she dived into the river and floated downstream. She popped back up, elated, laughing while meeting resistance from the water-flow pressure. In that moment I realized you can be adaptable without compromising your own integrity. She reminded my that pursuing passion will help me find purpose. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was like to have as much lived experience and wisdom that she held in front of me.

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Healing is inherently selfish and selfless. A father’s day special.

Healing is inherently selfish and selfless. A father’s day special.


My dad was just diagnosed with cancer. It is not up to me to disclose what kind, as for even as a family we do not share many intimate details of doctors visits and procedures, but I am relieved to say it is in the early stage and pretty treatable. My dad lives by the beach and I live up in the foothills of the Catskill mountains. He asked that we get together after his treatments towards the end of the summer. And yet, I cannot help but feel some sort of longing to connect. Maybe because it is fathers day this weekend, maybe because I am longing to repair and make amends as he ages and I get more distance from who he was when I was growing up.

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What is McMindfulness? Why keeping the dharma and philosophical context from Buddhism matters.

What is McMindfulness? Why keeping the dharma and philosophical context from Buddhism matters.


A video recommendation that critiques the commercialization of mindfulness meditation, particularly in the context of workplaces. The main argument in this video is that the way mindfulness is being marketed and used by corporations often ignores its ethical and spiritual roots, and instead promotes individualistic self-improvement rather than social change.

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© Louise 'Lulu' Pajor